Metamorphe is a new media video installation developed in collaboration with Warp Recording Artist Mira Calix (Chantal Passamonte) for the experimental electronic music and art festival, Faster than Sound (2008) in Suffolk, UK. The video piece explored the concept of endless forms, capturing the evolution of shape-shifting morphologies through visual and sonic scapes.
Glass dance
Glass Dance is an open experiment that sets out to capture the intimate relationship between strife and form. The experiment is documented as a process of formation and becoming. The materials explore dynamic and turbulent formations that are the result of immersive interactions.
Facebreeder evolved as a machine that would process portraits of participants as part of an evolving database that would be displayed as a composite portrait through an interface constructed by a 3x3 grid of obsolete CRT screens. Each screen networked as part of a dynamic system that would autonomously call images from the database to be bred through the Facebreeder. Facebreeder is an experiment in collective mirroring. Through the use of portraiture as a stimulus, participation and playful interactions were enabled through the simple display and auto-generative compositing of portraits. Participants exhibited varied magnitudes of anticipation and recognition with portions of images of their own identity. Through observation of the captured database, a record of playful exchanges with the capture instrument, tendencies recorded through multiple captures, all manifesting in a monstrous bred identity of what a future vision of London may be.